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Mendel University in Brno

Mendel University in Brno was founded in 1919 as University of Agriculture as the oldest Czech university with a focus on the fields of agriculture and forestry. The institution started using the name Mendel University in Brno (MENDELU) in 2010.

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The university is consisted of five faculties and the university institute, most of the units are concentrated in the campus in Brno – Černá Pole, as well as the Botanical Garden and Arboretum. Outside of Brno, we can find the Faculty of Horticulture in Lednice and also two school enterprises – University Enterprise Masaryk Forest in Křtiny and University Agriculture Enterprise in Žabčice.



  • the strategic fields of education are primarily Agriculture, Forestry and Wood Technology, Food Industry, Biology, Ecology and the Environment, Economic fields, Informatics and their connection to the field of education, Architecture and Urbanism, Chemistry, Cybernetics, Political Science, Engineering, Technology and Materials, Teaching, Earth Science, Art;
  • the scope and diversification of research activities is reflected in the objective focus of research projects, which cover the field from the topics of agricultural, horticultural, forestry and wood production (soil, water and other living and non-living inputs), relations of production and non-production functions of agriculture and forestry, processing and evaluation primary production, organization and management of processes related to the provision of relevant activities throughout the entire food chain, and evaluation of their economic effectiveness up to the impact of these activities in wider economic contexts and accents on the rural area; specific topics are sustainable development of regions, public administration, nanotechnology, biotechnology, omic sciences and environmental protection and creation;
  • contract research;
  • professional consulting, expert opinions, studies and methodologies;
  • care for the preservation of the gene pool.


Opportunities for cooperation

  • a wide range of accredited study programs in Czech/English for Czech/foreign students in bachelor's, master's and doctoral study programs;
  • development and innovation, transfer of technology;
  • promoting competitiveness and entrepreneurship;
  • sale of license of own research results;
  • conferences, workshops, seminars, summer schools, popularization of science.



MENDELU offers various services to the public in addition to its main and purposeful activity as a public university. These include, for example, the rental of sports fields, accommodation in the dormitories, catering, lifelong education courses, it operates the university kindergarten Hrášek and recreational facilities in Křižánky and Karlov. Also the university operates a hotel and congress center at the castle in Křtiny.


Contact: Zuzana Zidova,, +420 606 546 868