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Meet the Euroclusters: Innitiatives for the green and digital transformation, EU Cluster Talk, 8 March 2023


The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, DG GROW, organises the EU Clusters Talk “Meet the Euroclusters: Initiatives for the green and digital transition” on 8 March 2023, 8:30 – 9:45 CET. 

On 1 September 2022, 30 Euroclusters were launched to implement the EU Industrial Strategy. Euroclusters are cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary, and trans-European strategic initiatives of industry clusters and other economic entities such as research organisations or companies. They contribute to building resilience and accelerating transition to green and digital economy through six specific objectives:

  • Network to improve the resilience of the EU industrial ecosystems by developing value chains interlinkages in the EU Single Market;
  • Innovate for strategic autonomy to build capacity in the most critical supplies and technologies of their ecosystems;
  • Adopt processes and technologies to reinforce transformation into a greener and more digital economy;
  • Train to foster up- and re-skilling of the workforce whilst attracting talents;
  • Go international to boost access to global supply and value chains.
  • Outreach to attract economic actors, mainly SMEs, beyond Euroclusters’ locations


The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, DG GROW, organises the EU Clusters Talk “Meet the Euroclusters: Initiatives for the green and digital transition” on 8 March 2023, 8:30 – 9:45 CET, to learn about their activities, hear about upcoming opportunities for Europe’s SMEs, and discuss suggestions for a second Euroclusters call.


Speakers at this EU Clusters Talk will include:

  • Marek Przeor, Team Leader - Cluster Policy, DG GROW, European Commission;
  • Ewa Rekosz, Mazovia Cluster ICT, INGENIOUS Eurocluster;
  • Josep Casamada, AEI TÈXTILS, X-BUILD EU Eurocluster;
  • Loïc Marin, CIMES, GEMSTONE Eurocluster;
  • Marta Krakowiak, European Lighting Cluster Alliance, SILEO Eurocluster.


This event is part of bi-weekly online meetings brought to the cluster community by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform. They offer up-to-date insights into the latest industrial policies and clusters’ involvement, projects, and best practices, the latest ECCP news, and funding opportunities. The EU Clusters Talks are a space to exchange knowledge and to discuss cluster-relevant topics, which will change with every meeting.



Summary and Presentation

Created: 07/08/2023 10:25:16
Created: 19/04/2023 09:26:05
Created: 19/04/2023 09:26:06