Cluster Mechatronics
Cluster MECHATRONIKA works as a platform for linking the business to the research organizations, schools and public administration in mechatronics and related disciplines.
Thanks to our wide network of contacts in the Czech Republic and abroad, we open up new opportunities for Czech companies for their growth and development. The Cluster associates companies based on their competencies. Our activities support industrial innovations and direct technology and knowledge transfer from research organizations to companies.
Products / Services
- Information service, linking and supporting business relations
- Networking activities - references and contacts mediation
- International cooperation (Bavaria, Europe...)
- Project office - project consulting
- Coordination of cooperation in R&D and Innovations
- Czech Technology Platform in Additive Manufacturing (CTPAV)
- Support of technical education in primary and secondary schools
- Networking events
- Technology and knowledge transfer
- Additive manufacturing, Industry 4.0
- Networking events focused on creating business relations
- International cooperation, referencies based on wide network of colaborating organisations (mostly in Bavaria)
- Interdisciplinary cooperation
- R&D in additive manufacturing (3D print), support for introduction of additive technologies
- National and international projects for technology and knowledge transfer
- Supporting of technical education, motivation of students and schools
- Coworking with the Pilsen Region in creating of its strategies in R&D
Contact: Katerina Podana,, +420 777 085 704
Cluster NIC: | 22890629 | Department: | Plzeňský |
Number of companies: | 16 | Employees (estimate): | 4950 |
CIN | Name | Type | Department | Employees (estimate) |
02935856 | 3Dwiser s.r.o. | Firma | Praha | 20 |
63072394 | Blumenbecker Prag s.r.o. | Firma | Praha | 150 |
00526886 | CAMEX spol. s r. o. | Firma | Středočeský | 9 |
26316919 | COMTES FHT a.s. | Akciová společnost | Plzeňský | 110 |
70838534 | Gymnázium a Střední odborná škola, Plasy | SŠ | Plzeňský | 75 |
07739044 | Krajská hospodářská komora v Plzeňském kraji | Komora | Plzeňský | 8 |
47717076 | LINTECH, spol. s r.o. | Firma | Plzeňský | 150 |
64360083 | MURRELEKTRONIK CZ, spol. s r.o. | Firma | Plzeňský | 15 |
02593572 | Proinno a.s. | Akciová společnost | Plzeňský | 3 |
29157382 | STRKAN s.r.o. | Firma | Plzeňský | 20 |
69456330 | Střední odborné učiliště elektrotechnické, Plzeň | SŠ | Plzeňský | 150 |
69457930 | Střední průmyslová škola dopravní Plzeň | SŠ | Plzeňský | 225 |
47718552 | ŠKOLA WELDING s.r.o. | Firma | Plzeňský | 9 |
11837101 | TechInn s.r.o. | Firma | Plzeňský | 3 |
04999746 | XR Institute s.r.o. | Firma | Plzeňský | 4 |
49777513 | Západočeská univerzita v Plzni | VŠ | Plzeňský | 3999 |